New look for a new start!

It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted as we have been keeping in touch with members by newsletters. I thought it was time to share some of the projects the group have been doing.

Our first newsletter featured the work of one of our member's, Irene Earl.

100 Days of Meditative Stitch and Collage by Irene Earl

At the beginning of the first lock down, I wasn’t feeling very creative so thought a challenge might be just what I needed to give me a daily focus. I committed to stitching a 4” square each day for 100 days.

So, what is Meditative stitching? There are different explanations but my interpretation was to choose a background fabric/s with no perceived outcome and then respond to it in an intuitive way. Sometimes the background would have a pattern that would evoke a starting point. The idea was to just “go with the flow” and see what happened. Sometimes I was really pleased with the result, sometimes less so but that didn’t matter. I had spent quality time sitting doing something I love without the pressure of thinking it had to have a purpose. It really felt like a form of meditation. Sitting in the garden I became more aware of the bird songs and the changes nature brings. On damper days I would play “Spa music” in my Summer house and have an hour free from listening to the depressing news!


If you want to see all 100 of my stitched pieces as well as my collages you will find me on Instragram as ireneearltextileart
