Someone should tell Lesley that grapes do not make good beads and Eileen looks like she should have her tongue out to aid concentration!
The discovery of a vicar who was interested in textiles really threw everyone on the first of the three Monday sessions of the Pannal Textile Group. Pannal Church and surrounding area is bursting with ideas for the budding textile artist and, apart from a short burst of rain in the morning, the day was a huge success.
There was an interesting mix of ladies from various backgrounds and they all learned something about layering, Bondaweb, Tyvek, Xpandaprint, discharge printing and Lutradur. Several people had started the process of putting together their handmade sketchbooks and others were given packs to enable construction of the books at home during the forthcoming week.
Much tea and coffee, together with Flapjack and Carrot Cake sustained delegates. All are eagerly awaiting Monday No 2!
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